Writing a force value for force marker onto the PLC

How to enter a force value within the Force Markers view in order to write it onto the →PLC:

  1. If the force marker is included within a collapsed level, expand this collapsed level.

  2. Double-click the column Force value for the force marker in the view. Alternative: Open the context menu for this force marker and select the command Edit Force value.
    Result: A dialog is opened to change the force value. Here the dialog to change the force value FVAL for a force marker named FORCEMRK2 of data type INT:

  3. In the dialog, enter or select the new force value and click . If you want to enter special characters, such as umlauts, for a force marker of STRING or CHAR data type, you have to enter a three-character combination of the dollar sign ($) followed by two hexadecimal digits (details: see examples under →character string literal).

  4. Double-click the column Force switch for the force marker in the view. Alternative: Open the context menu for the force marker and select the command Edit Force switch
    Result: A dialog is opened to change the force switch.

  5. Confirm the already selected value TRUE for the force switch by clicking .

    Result: If Neuron Power Engineer is able to successfully execute the data request, the force marker is now returning the force value instead of the value for the input IN. The Force Markers view is also displaying this force value within the column Value and the value TRUE is displayed within the column Force switch.
    Neuron Power Engineer

How to use the input value of the force marker again:

  1. If the force marker is included within a collapsed level, expand this collapsed level.

  2. Double-click the column Force switch for the force marker in the view. Alternative: Open the context menu for the force marker and select the command Edit Force switch
    Result: A dialog is opened to change the force switch.

  3. Confirm the already selected value FALSE for the force switch by clicking .
    Result: If Neuron Power Engineer is able to successfully execute the data request, the force marker is returning the value for the input IN again. The Force Markers view is displaying this value within the column Value and the value FALSE is displayed within the column Force switch.

Good to know

(grey lightbulb) It is possible to change the force value for several force markers of the same data type in one go. Before you change the force value, press and hold the Ctrl-key while selecting the respective force markers within the view. 

(grey lightbulb) Likewise it is also possible to activate or deactivate the force switch for several selected force markers in one go. In this case, the data types must not be the same.

(grey lightbulb)You are able to save the state of the force switches and the force values into a file and load them from this file at a later time.